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NAACP Announces Speaker For Freedom Fund Dinner


Author, Professor, Consultant, Mentor, Clark Atlanta University


     The Hillsborough County Branch NAACP is preparing for its annual Freedom Fund Dinner. The event will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024, at the Tampa Marriott Water Street. This year’s theme is “All In Thriving Together.”

     Hillsborough Branch President Yvette Lewis announced that the guest speaker will be Daniel Black, Ph.D., a 30-year professor of African American Studies at Clark Atlanta University.

     Dr. Black is also an award-winning novelist, activist, mentor and public speaker. His published works include They Tell Me of Home, The Sacred Place, Perfect Peace, Twelve Gates to the City, The Coming, Listen to the Lambs, Don’t Cry for Me, and Black on Black.

     Dr. Black’s newest novel, Don’t Cry For Me, was released by HarperCollins on February 1st, 2022.

     Dr. Black’s newest work is his first essay collection titled BLACK ON BLACK, which was released on January 30th, 2023.

     He also works as a diversity consultant, having spoken at top-tier companies in America. He assists corporations with creating work environments in which all employees, of every level and difference, feel supported and valued.

      A native of Kansas City, Kansas, Black spent his formative years in rural Blackwell, Arkansas. He graduated from Clark College (now Clark Atlanta University) where he earned the prestigious Oxford Modern British Studies fellowship and studied abroad at Oxford University. He was then awarded a full fellowship to Temple University where he studied with Black Arts Movement poet laureate Sonia Sanchez and, in 1992, earned his Ph.D. in African American Studies. Dr. Black has spent the majority of his 30 academic years as a professor of African American Studies at his beloved alma mater, Clark Atlanta University.

     Dr. Black lives in Atlanta and is the founder of the Ndugu-Nzinga Rites of Passage Nation, a mentoring society for people of African descent who seek to love themselves and build a world of character for their people.

     Currently, Dr. Black has completed the literary sequel to Don’t Cry for Me, tentatively titled Isaac’s Song. He is also working on part II of The Coming, titled The Second Coming and a black scripture titled The Good Book.


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