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18-Year-Old High Schooler Wins $1M From $10 Scratch Card He Asked His Sister To Purchase For Him

Jalen McLean and his family

An 18-year-old from North Carolina has won a million dollars thanks to a $10 scratch card bought by his sister, Dasha Silas. Jalen McLean is considering purchasing an Audi out of the $1 million earnings he made from the Jumbo Bucks ticket bought by his sister on May 21.

“He had a huge smile on his face. Like so big it looked like the movie character Venom,” Silas told NC Education Lottery officials.

Silas bought the winning scratch card from a Valero in Fayetteville, according to FOX 8, and watched her brother McLean, the youngest of five siblings, scratch it off. McLean claimed part of his $1 million prize from the North Carolina Education Lottery officials on May 22.

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